Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Flight to Sydney and settling into work

Having to get up at 3:30 to head to the airport for my flight to Sydney. It was only a 4 hours journey but Australia has 3 timezones so "7 hours later" I was in Sydney. After finding my way to the trains and grabbing a opus card (the travel card in Sydney), I was on my way to Riverstone where I was to meet my new boss, Virginia. She picked me up from the station and took me to the property. I was shown to my studio flat with had a double bed, kitchen along one wall, sofa, dining table and shower room. 

I had a view of the chickens and cockerel as I was unpacking and settling in before I was shown around and met the horses. It was a hot day of 42 degrees and I was wearing my trousers and black top time to change before dinner with Virginia and her husband Peter. It was a difficult nights sleep when it was still 42 degrees at 10pm!